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Use Island Haze Fit Guide while shopping men's designer swimwear online from sun vixen swimwear which is designer swimwear store for luxury swimwear located in canada


Body Measurement

To determine your size, measure around the body at 2 key points using a fabric measuring tape or piece of string. Hold the tape or string securely to the body for accurate measurements. This is best done wearing minimal clothing

WAIST - Measure loosely around your waist

THIGH - Measure around the widest part of your thigh

Shorts Measurement


OUTSEAM - Measure from top of the waist to hem 

INSEAM - Measure along the stitching line on the inside leg to the bottom of the hem

SIZE GUIDE (inches)

If you are unsure of your sizing or need assistance, please email customer service at or call 1.800.898.4831

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