Do you have a physical store that I can visit to try on swimwear?
We do not currently have a physical store. We encourage you to read the full product description, take your measurements, and use the size guide for the specific brand you are buying. If you decide you don’t like what you ordered, or it doesn’t fit returns are easy. We provide you with a return shipping label and a refund in accordance with our return policy
Where are you located and where does my order ship from?
We're in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. All orders ship from our warehouse facility here within a day or two of your online order. For more detailed shipping information about rates or transit times, please see our shipping policy
Where is your swimwear made?
We carry many different designer brands and each one has its own country of origin. For example, PQ is from Colombia and Poema is made in the USA. We buy the swimwear that you see on the website from the brands. We import it from the country that it originates from. This is how we are able to offer so many different swimwear brands. Many of our brands are unique which means that you won’t find them at other swimwear stores. This means you are less likely to see someone else wearing the same swimsuit
Can I return it if it doesn’t fit or I don’t like it? What’s your return policy?
We want you to be happy with your new swimsuit. So if it doesn’t fit or isn’t what you expected; you can return it for free. We provide a return shipping label so it’s easy. Keep the tags on and the hygiene liner in place so that we can issue you a refund. You can read more about the return policy here
If a product is out of stock, will you be getting more and will I be notified?
If a product is out of stock there may be more on the way, or it may be sold out indefinitely. If you are interested in a product that is out of stock, please use the ‘Notify When Available’ button and let us know that you are interested. You can also use the ‘my special request form’ and we will check if the supplier has the product in a different size. We will get in touch with the supplier and get back to you within a day or two to let you know if we can bring it in for you
What payment methods do you accept?
We take e-transfer & all major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, AMEX VISA and PayPal & Afterpay
Still, have questions?
Get in touch with us at 1.800.898.4831
or email us at sunvixen@sunvixen.com. We're happy to answer your questions