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I was at a Las Vegas pool party when I looked around and realized I felt vulnerable and out of place. Although I knew I was beautiful, I wasn’t feeling that way. Something wasn’t quite right.
I finally realized my swimsuit wasn’t doing anything for me. In fact, it was making me look worse than I was. I felt bad knowing this.
I wondered what I could do to change the way I was feeling. I looked around and one person caught my eye. She looked put together in a thoughtful way. Head to toe she exuded confidence and looked to have a clear understanding of who she was - inside and out. She was my good friend, Christina.
I asked Christina for advice and she told me about some swimwear brands she knew were the best. She used to work in a swimwear store that specialized in designer swimwear. Designer swimwear isn’t cheap, she explained, but it’s the best quality. She told me other benefits like top styles, flattering fit, comfort and durability.
Christina taught me how a swimsuit can have a direct impact on my self-confidence. She told me my inner radiance shouldn't become clouded by an average swimsuit.. Every choice, including your swimsuit should be a representation of your true self. This is because what you're wearing reflects your self-worth.
Opal Hurteau Sun Vixen Swimwear Founder
So, I went on a hunt for a new swimsuit. I found a beautiful designer bikini that fit like no other swimsuit I had before. It made me feel beautiful. I knew it represented the best version of myself.
I felt amazing! I felt like I had finally figured out the key to feeling good inside. It’s when your outside reflects how you feel on the inside.
I felt so grateful to have a friend like Christina who could help me realize that I was already the best. She helped me realize that I should always live life to the fullest because that's what I deserve. That experience changed me. I always want to feel good. So now I make choices that help me feel great about myself in every moment.
My eyes opened. I started to see there were people like me. They couldn't understand what was making them feel vulnerable and out of place. Friends were downplaying their potential, completely unaware that they deserved more.
I saw swimwear as one of the biggest opportunities for me to make an impact. Like Christina, I wanted to help people realize who they already are. And to live like the person they want to become.
So, I've made it my mission to help people know great swimwear.
I teach people that swimsuits can lift you up - in all the right places. Bathing suits can fit so well they boost your confidence, rather than diminish it. Bikinis can make you look as good as you feel inside. Swimwear can be the truest reflection of who you are. The highest representation of your true self-worth.
☀️ Swimwear worthy of You
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